Recommendations and Purpose of Fundraising Tips
It is suggested that fundraising tips be sent on a monthly basis (minimum) to your fundraisers who have not yet completed their event. Do not send fundraising tips to team members who have already completed their key fundraising event this year for your cause. These tips:
- Provide fundraising ideas
- Encourage team members to keep sending out their story/fundraising campaign
- Provide ideas on how to craft messages to share their story
- Can be sent as one mass email to multiple team members if you prefer (use the handy EMAIL TEAM button on your EVENT when logged in your R2R account as ADMIN)
- Can be used in any order you choose
Upon the completion of your first year with Reason2Race, you should have about 6-12 good fundraising tips to use for the next year as well. Add to your list of tips (to your library) as you can.
Sample Email Fundraising Tip #1 – Send an update
Hello 2018 Team Members,
Thank you for all you do to reach your event and fundraising goals. You make a difference with many, and we appreciate you very much!
2018 Fundraising Status: $5,500
Our goal this year is to reach $25,000 and we are confident we can make it because of you.
[Insert a picture of your organization beneficiaries here if you have one]
Inform your family and friends about your event by sending them your campaign link. Inspire them with your goal and give them the opportunity to support your cause. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Also, don’t forget corporate matching. Check with your company to see if they will match your donation; or see if they have a program for grants and one-time donations. Every donation counts.
Please contact us if you need anything. We are here for you.
ABC Leadership Team
Sample Email Fundraising Tip #2 – Mark your offline donations on your campaign
Hello 2018 Team Members,
Thank you for all you do to reach your event and fundraising goals. You make a difference with many, and we appreciate you very much!
2018 Fundraising Status: $22,500
Our goal this year is to reach $50,000 and we are confident we can make it because of you!
[Insert a picture of your organization beneficiaries here if you have one]
This tip is about acknowledging your friends and family for the difference that have made in your endeavors. Did you know if someone makes a cash or check donation to ABC on your behalf, you can note their name and comment on your Reason2Race campaign? Well you can. See these instructions. Click here.
Let your generous donors know you appreciate them by noting their contribution on your campaign. They will love it.
Remember, you have people in your life who want you to succeed. All there is to do is give them a chance to do so.
Please contact us if you need anything. We are here for you.
ABC Leadership Team