Sample Campaign Story

Your campaign story format has 3 basic parts 1.) a little something about your event/what you are doing  2.) why you picked your selected cause and 3.) the ask

Copy/paste any part of the below sample for your campaign. There is no reason to recreate the wheel if you find this text helpful.

Note: We suggest using a photo 1 megabyte in size or smaller for your campaign. If you have questions on resizing your digital photo, please email


The weekend of XYZ, I will be participating in the XYZ event consisting of ####. This is my first time doing this event, and I’m so happy that I have a wonderful organization supporting me in reaching my goal. I have chosen to walk/run/bowl/golf for ABC charity. Watch the ABC video to learn more about this wonderful cause. I have traveled to XXX and YYY to visit programs ABC supports, and I was amazed by the impact these programs have made. I saw firsthand how we can help children not only across the globe but at home too. I know my and your efforts can and will make the difference in the lives of many children, like Amy from Houston. Her father has been incarcerated for most of her life. For years she would cut herself in an effort to deal with her pain. It is through the physical, emotional and educational support that Amy has received at our XYZ program that she has beaten the odds and has graduated from High School and is currently enrolled in College. Amy says that she owes her existence to our program and is committed to “stopping the madness”. Amy is clear that “prison is not an option” for her.

Please contribute to our cause. Any amount would be great: $50, $100 or other.

THANK YOU for your contribution, and thank you for caring for the XYZ children!

Sally {email address here}

PS: If you want to add “EVENT FINISHER” to your list of accomplishments, just ask us how you can join our team too!

Donating on this site is easy and totally secure, thank you!


Additional Samples

To see more sample campaigns, click the below links:

Sample Campaign 1  Sample Campaign 2  Sample Campaign 3