Social Media Plan
We know it takes time to develop a Social Media plan, so we compiled the below for you to avoid starting from scratch and having to “recreate the wheel.” Remember, posts only have a shelf-life of about 30 minutes, so feel free to re-use posts and re-share them over time.
The example posts below are for both building your team and for acknowledging your team members (keeping them in action to share their fundraising campaigns.)
- Spend 1 – 2 hours creating your Social Media plan for the month
- Put a recurring bi-weekly 15-30 minutes in your calendar to make your posts, either manually or using the built-in scheduler on your Social Media apps
- Posts are most effective when they include a picture or have a link that displays a picture
- Tag your team members so they can share your posts too
- Tag @Reason2Race so we can share your posts as well
Sample team building posts
- We are excited about the Bayou City Giving Challenge. We are building a team of 20 people to walk/run this event. Mark your calendar. Join our team in 3 Simple steps: {Insert R2R team link here}
- Take the Finish Line Sports Charity Challenge and choose ABC as your Reason2Race for the {date} Sugar Land Turkey Trot. {Insert R2R team link here}
- What’s your fitness goal this season? Come with us to Run Houston! For a Cause. Let running/walking for XXX help make that goal a reality! Check out and join our team {Insert R2R team link here}
- Have you ever wanted to do a 5K, 10K or other distance event? Now’s your chance. Join our team here: {Insert your nonprofit website page with steps to join your team or the direct R2R team link here.}
- Reach your 5K or wellness goal. Take the Charity Challenge and choose us as your Reason2Race for the {date} event. {Insert your nonprofit website page with steps to join your team or the direct R2R team link here}
- What’s your health goal this season? Let running/walking for XXX to support you in making that goal a reality! Check out and join our team here: {Insert your nonprofit website page with steps to join your team or the direct R2R team link here}
Sample team building posts (Virtual Events)
Given that many events are now offering virtual options, here is some text for promoting VIRTUAL EVENTS to your supporters and volunteers.
- Join us for the Cypress Half Marathon, 5K or 1K this year and play to win up to $2,500 EXTRA funds for our cause. Good news! They have VIRTUAL options available which means no matter where you are, you can join our team in 3 Simple steps: {Insert R2R team link here}
- With Cypress 5K VIRTUAL event approaching on 11/15/20, you can participate from WHEREVER YOU ARE and still get your finisher medal, race T-Shirt and compete to win up to $2,500 for our cause. We invite you to learn more and join in on the fun here {Insert R2R team link here}
- It’s time to get healthy in honor of your favorite cause! Never done a VIRTUAL 5K before? That’s ok. We are here to support you through the process. You can run/walk the event distance you choose – either in your neighborhood or on a treadmill, whatever works for you. Check out our team here and join in on the fun. {Insert R2R team link here}
- Virtual 5Ks and Half Marathons are just like any other event, except you have the convenience of doing them wherever you are! Plus you still get you event medal and finisher shirt. Check out our team here, and let us support your to your 5K finish line, virtually! {Insert R2R team link here}
Acknowledging team members
Follow the below sample plan when you have one or more team members fundraising. Here are the general time frames for posting about a team member:
- Welcome to the team – Post a welcome for each person who joins your team
- When team member receives his/her first donation – This is a big deal worth celebrating
- When team member reaches a milestone like raising $200 or $250
- When team member is halfway to the fundraising goal
- A post a few days prior to event day – Give your team members a shout out of good luck
- A post the day after the event – Celebrate your team members’ successes
Sample posts for acknowledging team members
- Welcome John to Team ABC. He’s doing his first 5K with us on {date}. Check out his story and join in on the fun here: {Insert John’s campaign link here}
- Did you hear? Sally joined our team for the {insert event name}. This is her second time on our team, and she is out to exceed her event goals once again. See Sally’s campaign and give her a “good luck” shout out: {Insert Sally’s campaign link here, and tag Sally}
- We are excited about the 2020 {date} event. Check out how Sam is doing here and join us in congratulating his efforts. We are so proud of him! {Insert Sam’s campaign link here. Tag Sam too.}
- Congratulations Timmy on receiving your first donation! We are so excited you are on our team can’t wait see your event finisher pictures! {Insert Timmy’s campaign link here.}
- Way to go Jennifer. You’ve already raised over $200 on your campaign. Keep up the great work. Read her campaign and support her efforts here: {Insert Jennifer’s campaign link here.}
- Nancy has surpassed the halfway point in her fundraising. Give her a shout out congratulations and support her to her goal line here: {Insert Nancy’s campaign link here.}
- Timmy is just days away from his bowling event where he’s going to knock down those pins for a great cause. Congratulations Timmy, and we can’t wait to hear how the event goes. {Insert Timmy’s campaign link here.}
- Our {Insert date name of event} event participants are doing great. They are at $10,788 on a goal of $25,000. Wow! Please join us in congratulating them on a job well done so far: {Insert R2R team link here, and tag each team member.}
- Great job Jack on completing your first 5K. Check out his pictures and see what an awesome job he did fundraising. He even WON an extra $500 from the Run Houston! For a Cause program bringing his grand total to _____ We could not be more proud! {Insert Jack’s campaign link here.